Post Office Salary Calculator 2024

Calculate your monthly salary by using Post Office Salary Calculator for PA, SA, Postman, Mail Guard, MTS.

Many PA, SA, Postman, Mail Guard, and MTS cadre employees don't know how their salary will be calculated by HO accountants and HRO accountants. You can also calculate your salary from the below Salary Calculator easily.

Post Office Salary Calculator

Post Office Salary Calculator

How to use Post Office Salary Calculator

Follow the below step-by-step procedure to use Post office salary calculator.

  • First of all, enter your basic pay. 
  • Select HRA category as X, Y, or Z cities.
  • Select TPA Category as X cities, Y cities, or Z cities.
  • Now click on Calculate Button. 
  • Post Office Salary Calculator will automatically calculate the Goss Month Salary and Cash in Hand Monthly Salary in Rupees.

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